THE LEADER: "Anti-facist group make Wrexham demonstration warning Published date: 18 November 2009 | Published by: Staff reporter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-facist group make Wrexham demonstration warning A PROTEST meeting planned by the Welsh Defence League (WDL) in Wrexham on Saturday could lead to “day return intimidation” by its supporters from outside the area. That is the warning from Ian Titherington, secretary of anti-fascist organisation Searchlight Wales. Although he says the WDL itself is not a properly-formed body, Mr Titherington claims support for the meeting could come from members of the associated and much stronger English Defence League (EDL) across the border. And he says Wrexham’s close proximity to Manchester and Birmingham, where the EDL is well represented, could mean its supporters are easily able to reach the town. Mr Titherington said: “The WDL doesn’t really exist as an organisation and is just a handful of football hooligans. “But the EDL has hundreds of members in England and stated in a press release last weekend that it was going to bus people from there into Wrexham. “They did the same thing at a recent demonstration in Swansea. There were two minibusfuls, who spent all day getting drunk. But after an hour or two, they dispersed and were moved away. “I suspect there will be more support in Wrexham than Swansea, as it is closer to Manchester and Birmingham where the EDL is stronger. “This means you could get ‘day return’ intimidation.” Mr Titherington added: “When these people turn up, the air goes cold but hopefully there won’t be any trouble on Saturday. “The local community have done a fantastic job by organising a gathering in the town on the same day, with music and food, which will show a positive image of Wrexham. “Its multi-culturalism is one of Wrexham’s strengths.” Mr Titherington’s assessment comes after Wrexham’s AM, Lesley Griffiths, described the organisation staging Saturday’s protest meeting as a “racist, fascist front that has virtually no support in Wales”. The Leader has been unable to contact anyone from either the WDL or EDL for a comment."
Niektórzy studenci otrzymali wiadomość, by nie pojawiać się dziś w mieście. A ja... wiadomości nie otrzymałam i w mieście pojawiłam się z premedytacją, ciekawa jak rozwinie się sytuacja. Policjanci robiący filmiki i zdjęcia, ludzie wykrzykujący jakieś hasła. Z daleka wyglądało groźnie, z bliska bez żadnych rewelacji... Ale cóż można wywnioskować z dwudziestominutowej obserwacji???
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